研究業績(2013) paper2013
論文発表 2013年
- Kadonosono K, Arakawa A, Inoue M, Yamane S, Uchio E, Yamakawa T, Taguri M, Morita S, Ridgeley JR, Yanagi Y : Internal limiting membrane contrast after staining with indocyanine green and brilliant blue g during macular surgery. Retina, 33(4):812-817, 2013.
- Kadonosono K, Yamane S, Arakawa A, Inoue M, Yamakawa T, Uchio E, Yanagi Y, Amano S : Endovascular cannulation with a microneedle for central retinal vein occlusion. JAMA Ophthalmology, 131(6):783-786, 2013.
- Inoue M, Yanagawa A, Yamane S, Arakawa A, Kawai Y, Kadonosono K : Wide-Field Fundus Imaging Using the Optos Optomap and a Disposable Eyelid Speculum. JAMA Ophthalmology,131(2):226-227,2013.
- Inoue M, Arakawa A, Yamane S, Kadonosono K : Variable response of vascularized pigment epithelial detachments to ranibizumab based on lesion subtypes, including polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Retina, 33(5):990-997, 2013.
- Inoue M, Arakawa A, Yamane S, Kadonosono K : Long-term outcome of intravitreal ranibizumab treatment, compared with photodynamic therapy, in patients with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Eye(Lond), 27(9):1013-1020, 2013.
- Enaida H, Kadonosono K, Emi K, Inoue M, Someya K, Ishibashi T : New micro forceps with high utility for various uses in microincision vitrectomy surgery. Retina, 33(1):244-246, 2013.
- Enaida H, Hachisuka Y, Yoshinaga Y, Ikeda Y, Hisatomi T, Yoshida S, Oshima Y, Kadonosono K, Ishibashi T : Development and preclinical evaluation of a new viewing filter system to control reflection and enhance dye staining during vitrectomy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmolo, 251(2): 441-451, 2013.
- Enaida H, Ikeda Y, Yoshida S, Nakao S, Hachisuka Y, Fujita K, Oshima Y, Kadonoosno K, Matsui T, Ishibashi T : Clinical evaluation and feasibility of changing intraoperative visibility with a novel viewing filter system for human eye. Retina, 33(9):1923-1930, 2013.
- Enaida H, Yoshida S, Nakao S, Ikeda Y, Hachisuka Y, Oshima Y, Kadonosono K, Ueno A, Ishibashi T : Improved brilliant blue g staining of the internal limiting membrane with sharp cut filters of a novel viewing filter system. Ophthalmologica, 230 Suppl 2:27-32, 2013.
- Yanai K, Huang J, Kadonosono K, Uchio E : Corneal sensitivity after topical bromfenac sodium eye-drop instillation. Clinical Ophthalmology, 7:741-744, 2013.
- Uchio E, Inoue H, Kadonosono K : Anti-adenoviral effects of human cationic antimicrobial protein-18/LL-37, an antimicrobial peptide, by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Korean J Ophthalmol, 27(3):199-203, 2013.
- 小林志乃ぶ,井上麻衣子,山根 真,荒川 明,佐々木 毅,乾 健二,門之園一明:複視が初発症状の神経サルコイドーシスに対しγグロブリン療法が著効した1例.臨床眼科,67(5):759-763,2013.
- 稲﨑 紘,渡邉洋一郎,竹前久美,沈 丙勝,三條さなえ,井上麻衣子,山根 真,荒川明,門之園一明:前眼部光干渉断層計による硝子体手術後ガスタンポナーデ眼の隅角評価:眼科手術,26(3):453-457,2013.
- 沈 丙勝,井上麻衣子,山根 真,荒川 明,門之園一明:真菌性眼内炎に続発した脈絡膜新生血管に抗VEGF薬硝子体注射が奏効した1例.臨床眼科,67(6):911-914,2013.
- 大西純司,山根 真,井上麻衣子,荒川 明,門之園一明:網膜静脈分枝閉塞症における手術成績の検討.眼科臨床紀要,6(8):621-625, 2013.
- 大坪哲三,荒川 明,高塚忠宏:ガスタンポナーデを用いない分層黄斑円孔の手術成績.臨床眼科,67(10):1699-1704,2013.