横浜市立大学 大学院医学研究科 視覚再生外科学教室【公式】 横浜市立大学附属市民総合医療センター 眼科


〒232-0024 神奈川県横浜市南区浦舟町4-57

研究業績(2018) paper2018

論文発表 2018年


  1. Kadonosono K, Yamane S, Inoue M, Yamakawa T, Uchio E: Intra-retinal arterial cannulation using a microneedle for central retinal artery occlusion. Sci Rep, 8(1): 1360, 2018.
  2. Maruyama-Inoue M, Sato S, Yamane S, Kadonosono K: Intravitreal injection of aflibercept in patients with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: A 3-year follow-up. Retina, 38(10): 2001-2009, 2018.
  3. Maruyama-Inoue M, Sato S, Yamane S, Kadonosono K: Variable response of subretinal hyperreflective material to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor classified with optical coherence tomography angiography. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 256(11): 2089-2096, 2018.
  4. Satoh H, Maruyama-Inoue M, Sato S, Yamane S, Kadonosono K: Thrombus in lamina cribrosa seen using swept-source optical coherence tomography in eye with central retinal artery occlusion. Retina, 38(3): e26-e27, 2018.
  5. Zein H, Ismail A, Abdelmongy M, Elsherif S, Hassanen A, Muhammad B, Assaf F, Elsehili A, Negida A, Yamane S, Abdel-Daim MM, Kadonosono K: Autologous blood for conjunctival autograft fixation in primary pterygium surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Curr Pharm Des.24(35): 4197-4204, 2018.
  6. Akiyama M, Takahashi A, Momozawa Y, Ara
  7. kawa S, Miya F, Tsunoda T, Ashikawa K, Oshima Y, Yasuda M, Yoshida S, Enaida H, Tan X, Yanagi Y, Yasukawa T, Ogura Y, Nagai Y, Takahashi K, Fujisawa K, Inoue M, Arakawa A, Tanaka K, Yuzawa M, Kadonosono K, Sonoda KH, Ishibashi T, Kubo M: Genome-wide association study suggests four variants influencing outcomes with ranibizumab therapy in exudative age-related macular degeneration. J Hum Genet, 63(10): 1083-1091, 2018.
  8. Sakamoto R, Yamakawa T, Takahashi K, Suzuki J, Shinoda MM, Sakamaki K, Danno H, Tsuchiya H, Waseda M, Takano T, Minagawa F, Takai M, Masutani T, Nagakura J, Shigematsu E, Ishikawa M, Nakajima S, Kadonosono K, Terauchi Y: Association of usual sleep quality and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes in Japanese: A cross sectional study. Sleep and Food Registry in Kanagawa (SOREKA). PLoS One, 13(1): e0191771, 2018.
  9. Kitahata S, Hirami Y, Takagi S, Kime C, Fujihara M, Kurimoto Y, Takahashi M: Efficacy of additional topical betamethasone in persistent cystoid macular oedema after carbonic anhydrase inhibitor treatments in retinitis pigmentosa. BMJ Open Ophthalmol, 3(1): e000107, 2018.
  10. Lee J, Asano S, Inoue T,  Fujino Y, Matsuura M, Kitamoto K, Hashimoto Y, Ogawa A, Yanagisawa M, Azuma K, Murata H,Obata R, Asaoka R: Investigating the Usefulness of Fundus Autofluorescence in Retinitis Pigmentosa.Ophthalmology Retina, 2(10): 1062-1070,2018.
  11. Matsuura M, Fujino Y, Kanamoto T, Murata H, Yanagisawa M, Hirasawa K, Inoue T, Shoji N, Inoue K, Yamagami J, Asaoka R: Improving the structure-function relationship in glaucomatous and normative eyes by incorporating photoreceptor layer thickness. Sci Rep, 8(1):10450,2018.
  12. Azuma K, Asaoka R, Matsuda A, Lee J, Shimizu K, Inui H, Murata H, Ogawa A, Yamamoto M, Inoue T, Obata R: Two-year outcome of treat-and-extend aflibercept after ranibizumab in age-related macular degeneration and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy patients.Clin Ophthalmol,29(12): 1589-1597,2018.
  13. Asano S, Nakajima K, Kure K, Azuma K, Shimizu K, Murata H, Inoue T, Obata R, Asaoka R: Corneal biomechanical properties are associated with the activity and prognosis of Angioid Streaks. Sci Rep, 8(1): 8130, 2018.
  14. Asano S, Azuma K, Shimizu K, Yamamoto R, Lee J, Murata H, Inoue T, Asaoka R, Obata R: Choroidal structure as a biomarker for visual acuity in intravitreal aflibercept therapy for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. PLoS One, 13(5):  e0197042, 2018.
  15. Obata R, Yanagi Y, Inoue T, Yasuda M, Oshima Y, Sawaguchi S, Iwase A, Araie M: Prevalence and factors associated with age-related macular degeneration in a southwestern island population of Japan : the Kumejima Study. Br J Ophthalmol, 102(8): 1047-1053, 2018.
  16. 佐藤尚栄, 田中 慎,稲﨑 紘,佐藤新兵,井上麻衣子,山根 真,門之園一明:光干渉断層計を用いた網膜静脈分枝閉塞症における動静脈交叉部形態の観察. 日本眼科学会雑誌, 122(12): 920-927, 2018.
  17. 北嶋瑶子, 井上麻衣子, 稲﨑 紘, 佐藤新兵, 山根 真, 門之園一明:Vogt-小柳-原田病における超広角インドシアニングリーン蛍光眼底造影の評価. 臨床眼科,72(10):1429-1433, 2018.
  18. 町田 健, 稲﨑 紘, 清田眞理子:無血管帯が島状に孤立し縮小した未熟児網膜症の一例. 眼科臨床紀要,11(6): 463-466, 2018.
  19. 齋藤知子, 井上麻衣子, 稲﨑 紘, 佐藤新兵, 山根 真, 門之園一明:ドセタキセルにより嚢胞様黄斑浮腫を生じた1例. 眼科臨床紀要,11(11): 835-836, 2018.

横浜市立大学 大学院医学研究科
横浜市立大学附属 市民総合医療センター 眼科


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